Concurrent Technologies announces the VP B1x/msd, a 6U VME board based on a 4th generation Intel® Core™ i7/i5 processor. The headline variant of VP B1x/msd uses the quad-core i7-4700EQ processor that features new instructions to [read more]
VP B7x/msd
VME Board based on Intel® Xeon® Processor
VP F6x/msd
VME Board based on Intel® Xeon® Processor
VP E2x/msd
Intel® Atom™ 6U VME Single Board Computer
VP B1x/msd
4th Generation Intel® Core™ i7/i5 6U VME Computer
VX 91x/11x
3rd generation Intel® Core™ Processor Dual PMC / XMC VITA 41.4 Controller
VP 91x/x1x-RC
3rd Generation Intel® Core™ Processor Embedded Controller (Bridgeless VMEbus), rugged conduction-cooled
VP 91x/x1x-RA
3rd Generation Intel® Core™ Processor Embedded Controller (Bridgeless VMEbus), rugged air-cooled
VP 91x/11x
3rd Generation Intel® Core™ Processor Embedded Controller (Bridgeless VMEbus)
VX 81x/19x
2nd generation Intel® Core™ Processor Dual PMC / XMC VITA 41.4 Controller
VP 717/18x
Intel® Core™ i7 Processor Dual PMC/XMC Embedded Controller