
AntiBase 2014: The Natural Compound Identifier

more than 42,000 compounds,
by Hartmut Laatsch, November 2014
ISBN: 978-3-527-33841-2

AntiBase 2014 is a comprehensive database of 42,950 natural compounds, with more than 3% new entries compared to the 2013 edition. The data in AntiBase have been collected from the primary and secondary literature and then carefully checked and validated. The natural compounds in AntiBase provide researchers with a convenient way of ensuring that a compound with antimicrobial effects has already been studied, and also provide research with insights into biological activity correlated to structural information. The addition of spectral data aids in confirmation. All of these data can help provide deeper insights into structural activity in relation to reported biological activity and may aid in adding insight to expected biological activity in novel antibiotic candidates.

includes descriptive data (molecular formula, mass, elemental composition, group); physico-chemical data (melting point, optical rotation); spectroscopic data (UV, 13C-NMR, IR, HRMS and mass spectra); biological data (pharmacological activity, toxicity); information on origin and isolation and a summary of literature sources.

A unique feature of AntiBase is the use of predicted 13C-NMR spectra for those compounds where no measured spectra are available. These spectra have been produced using the Wiley’s proprietary NMR spectrum prediction algorithm.

AntiBase is available in PerkinElmer/Cambridgesoft Chemfinder format (this edition), in ISISBase format (Enterprise Edition ISBN:978-3-527-33890-0), and bundled with the Scidex viewer (Scidex format ISBN:978-3-527-33889-4). Please inquire about upgrade pricing, site license, and enterprise license options.

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